With Help From Our Friends
Our work is only possible through the immense support and trust from our community.
We are thankful for the monetary donations that FISH receives from individuals, businesses, and community groups. Many in Sonoma Valley contribute regularly, which provides a strong base of support for FISH services. For financial information, please visit the Our Impact page.
FISH could not do the work we do without the support, year in and year out, from a cadre of over 50 businesses and organizations that provide food for our pantry and other goods and services, as well as helping hands for various seasonal programs. Each is an essential member of the extended, caring network known as FISH of Sonoma Valley.
Pantry Partners
At FISH, we are extremely grateful to these and many other organizations for their support. Thank you!
Grants and Foundation Supporters:
In the past year, FISH received grants and foundation support from:
Fifth Hill Foundation
Kelter Foundation
Redducs Foundation
Gaia Fund